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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 12:27:40
1. Although the Vatican dispatched John de monte Corvino (1247-1328), a Franciscan priest, to introduce Catholicism to China during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), the Christian doctrine had created little impact in China; the influence of western culture was limited to only such places as Bejing and Quanzhou. There were at that time fewer than 100 converts in the area to learn Greek and Latin from the catholic missionaries. Their task was merely to preach and proselytize, their activities bound by their religious responsibilities. Medieval Europe. Dominated then by the Roman Catholic Church, was struggling with change and had not yet shown any new initiative. Therefore, the first impression given by the Western missionaries to the Chinese was only that there was a greater world of Christianity-in addition to the Nestorians-in a Europe dominated by the Roman Catholic Church. And in the eyes of the Mongolians, Europe was the vanquished land during their westward expeditions.

尽管梵蒂冈派出John de monte Corvino ( 1247至1328年) ,一个方济会神父,在元朝介绍天主教传入中国( 1271-1368 ) ,基督教教义造成的影响不大,在中国的西方文化影响是有限的,只有北京和泉州。那时只有少于100位信徒从天主教传教士那在该地区学习希腊文和拉丁文。他们的任务仅仅是为了传教 ,他们的活动受他们的宗教责任影响。在中世纪的欧洲,罗马天主教教会占主导地位,尽管有着变化,但并没有表现出任何新的倡议。因此,首先给人的印象是由西方传教士向中国只有一个更大的世界基督教-除了以nestorians -在欧洲占主导地位的是罗马天主教会。在蒙古人眼中,欧洲是被征服的土地,在他们西进探险时征服的土地。