这是我的一段翻译 希望能得到改进!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 02:30:12
网友:最近在看亦菲版的《神雕》,和以前的《天龙八部》和《仙剑》,觉得人物性格很雷同,想问现实生活中的亦菲的性格是不是这样? 刘亦菲:我觉得不雷同啊,我也看到很多网友的留言,可能是一位,我觉得不能完全放在一起提,王语嫣有她的性格,虽然三个人好象都有不食人间烟火,仙女的感觉,但是这三个人物身上的东西都不一样,赵灵儿是很坚强,很可怜,很招人怜爱的一个小女孩,王语嫣是一个才女,也是非常痴情的一个人。到小龙女我觉得最有胜利的一个人,金庸确实给她赋予的东西很多,给演员塑造的空间很大,觉得她是很有层次的人物,一开始冷冰冰,通过杨过使她知道了世间的情感,发现她是特别至情至性的人,虽然这个话有点俗.
译文:netizen: recently I've been watching the new drama" permanent love after 16years" with the top name of Crystal , in which the character you act is similar to the characters you 've ever acted before. I was wondering if the personality of yourself in daily life is the same as these screen images. 亦菲:To be honest, I don't think they are the same, I don't think it's proper to equate the three characters you mentioned. 语嫣 has her own personality, so do 灵儿 and 龙儿。Even though all three of them are seemed to be fairies who lived only in paradise. The inner things behind such similarity are absolutely different. 灵儿 is such kind of girl who is very pity and lovely, h

if the personality of yourself in daily life is the same as these screen images
灵儿 is such kind of girl who is very pity and lovely
I have to agree that she is the most sophisticated characters i've ever met.
and found that herself was also a woman who perfer love to life.