
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 06:50:56

MISSIS,I AM NO.1 HERE!~just get a pt 2 practice ur colloquial written English, if u do hav any unclear words or phases just ask me…..i m rite here 4 u only. From the info above. U seem to be a little bit pleased, it is gud to c ur highly attractive smile again. By the way, U ain’t alone any more from now on, u hav ur own happiness which they r given by the one loves u…….he can express funny stuffs 2 u, if u don’t think it’s funny, at least he tries his best to let u laugh loud, anyway, he doesn’t care that much……coz he is ur hubby, rite??? Now I try to pull up the level of the language, r u ready for this? This is wat we call the “classic”, it is a short paragraph capture from William Shakespeare’s most famous fiction HAMLET
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing en

MISSIS,I AM NO.1 HERE!~just get a pt 2 practice ur colloquial written English, if u do hav any unclear words or phases just ask me…..i m rite here 4 u only.

From the info above. U seem to be a little bit pleased, it is gud to c ur highly attractive smile again.
By the way, U ain’t alone any more from now on,
u hav ur own happiness which they r given by the one loves u…….he can express funny stuffs 2 u, if u don’t think it’s funny, at least he tries his best to let u laugh loud, anyway, he doesn’t care that much……coz he is ur hubby, rite???
Now I try to pull up the level of the language, r u ready for this?
This is wat we call the “classic”, it is a short paragraph capture from William Shakespeare’s most famous fict