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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:32:20
中央关于“十一五”规划的《建议》,不仅描绘了中国社会未来发展的宏伟蓝图,而且体现了一系列的思想理念创新。实现十一五规划的目标,即人均GDP到2010年比2000年翻一番,关键就是科学发展。“十一五”期间需要转变发展或增长方式、创新发展模式、提高发展质量。能否实现科学发展,很重要的一个条件就是优化产业结构. 这对国家整体竞争力和提升产业在全球价值链当中的位置重要的影响。对人民生活水平的提高有深远意义。直接影响到构建和谐社会的前景。

The Proposal for the eleventh Five-Year Plan released by central government not only drawed a blueprint of the development of Chinese social, but also showed a series of new notions. The key to the object of the Plan, which aimed at doubling the GDP in 2010 than that in 2000, is the development of science and technology. We need to change the mode of development and innovation, as well as improving the quality of development. One important factor is optimizing industrial system. It is essential to raise our overall competitive capacity and our position in the gobal value chain. It has far-reaching significance in improving people's living standard, and in the structuring a hamony society

Central Committee on "Shiyiwu" planning "Proposals" not only as a grand blueprint for the future development of Chinese society, but reflects a range of innovative thinking. Shiyiwu planning to achieve the goal that by 2010 per capita GDP in 2000 than double, the key is