
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 03:14:57
1、会议一开始由他来汇报上个月的活动。(start with;activity)
2、这个慈善机构对所有志愿者不分职业一律欢迎。(regardless of)
4、在婚礼上,新娘总是最美的。(look one's best)
5、她在会上陈述了她作出这个决定的理由。(set out)

1. The meeting will start with his report about last month's activity
2. This Charity Organization welcomes all volunteers regardless of their occupations.
3. He has to take responsibility of this traffic accident,this is the fact that can not alter.
4. In the wedding,the Bride always looks her best.
5.She showed the reason why she set out this decision.

the meeting started with his report of the activity of last month。
the charity institution welcame all the volenteers regardless of their vocation。
he must responsible for the traffic accident,it is a fact that can't be altered。
at the wedding,the bride looks her best always。
she set out her reasonshe made the decision at the meeting。