
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 10:07:48
在教育方面,中国有志青年为了重整祖国 在洋务运动后,掀起留学热。同时西方的自由理念 ,平等思想传入中国。其中还包括大量的英语词汇反映当时的社会情况。

2。中西方文化的冲突,产生了2种社会阶层, 外国因为当时的科技生产的快速发展,他们处于上阶层,而中国处于下阶层。当时上海作为英国的租借地,出现了大量有英语演变而来的新词汇。这些词汇多用于调侃,贬低等方面。侧面也反映了当时中国人民对外来侵略的不满。

大约意思就行了 !~好的话还会加分 非常的急 请大家帮帮忙

1 At that time, China is relatively backward, little exchange with the West. After the Opium War, however, after the door was opened, the influx of Western culture in our country, have no text or technology, the Chinese are in a passive absorption.
In education, young people in order to restructure the Chinese motherland in the Westernization Movement, the heat wave study. At the same time, the Western concept of freedom, equality, ideology came to China. It also includes a large number of English vocabulary reflects the prevailing social conditions.

2. The conflict in Western culture, have had two kinds of social class, foreign production because of the rapid development of science and technology, they are upper middle class, China is in the middle and lower classes. Shanghai at that time as a concession the United Kingdom, there has been an evolution of a large number of English vocabulary. These terms are used ridicule, belittle and so on. At that time, the side