
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:55:43
1 选举期间爆发了大罢工。(break out)
2.他总是喂肉给狗吃。 (feed)
3.导游将游客聚拢起来,让他们回到了车上。(round up)
4.她生了五个孩子。(give birth to)
8.他向大家表明他是无辜的。(Make it clear)
10.英国英语与美国英语在发音和词汇方面有所差异。(differ from)

1. A big strike broke out during the election.

2. He always feeds the dog with meat.

3. The guide rounded up the visitors and asked them to back to the bus.

4. She has given birth to five children

5. She has eaten too much with the consequence of being fat.

6. Her so-called friends infuences her badly.

7. The Open innovation policy transformed China into a well-to-do country

8. He made it clear to everybody of his innocence.

9. Tom's height is three times of that of Peter.

10. BE differs from AE in both pronunciation and glossary.

1.A big strike broke out during the elections
2. He always feeding dogs eat meat.
3. Tour visitors will round up and let them return to the vehicle.
4. She gave birth to five children.
5. She eat too much, the results consequence.
6. She called to her friend had a bad influence.
7. China's policy o