
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 03:30:12


工资 Salary
福利费 Welfare
奖金 Bonus
办公费 Office charges
专利费 Patent Fee
租赁及物业管理费 Rental and Building management fees
折旧费 Depreciation
工会经费 Labor Union fund
汽车费用 Motor vehicles expenses
固话通讯费 Telephone expenses
移动通讯费 Mobile telephone expenses
邮递费 Postage expenses
交通及差旅费 Travel and accommodation
物料消耗 Material Usage
教育经费 Training fund
无形资产摊销 Immateriality assets amortisation
其他摊销 Other Amortisation
业务招待费 Entertainments expenses
维修保养费 Repair and maintenance
保险费 Insurance
水电费 Water and eletricity
社保费 Social insurance
固定资产\设备费 Asset fee
保安服务费 Security service charges
技术服务费 Technologies service charges
试验检验费 Test expenses
试样费 Test sample expenses
其他 Sundry expenses