Can I take a rain check ?作何解释?为何作此解释?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:06:02

rain check 应该是出自网球比赛,由于下雨,网球比赛会被中断,因此赛事组织者就会让买票的观众凭票换取一张rain check ,凭这张rain check 观众可以在以后看一场和该场比赛相同级别的比赛。
以后rain check 就被广泛应用,take a rain check 的意思就是改天

rain check 延期


习语是这样的: take a rain check (on)

rain check
延期, 留作下次继续用的票根
Can I take a rain check ? 译为我可以留做下次用吗?

It happens when you go shopping in a particular store and from the store's shelf display you picked up some sample item which was currently unavailable in the store's inventory, ie. the item was sold out. But people from the store didn't want to lose the sale and you especially as their customer. They offer you some written slip with specific date and other information to guarantee you that when you come at the date specified or after (within a limited period of time) to their store, you would get what you want.
That written slip is called a "rain check".

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