
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:31:50
This shaft was spot weided (using an MIG weiding system) at its mid-length to induce residual stresses,as shown in Fig.2.The welding process was carried out in a fraction of a second.The shaft was allowed to cool to room temperature and the residual stresses were measured.The shaft was then vibrated.The applied shear stress to the shaft was varied from 0 to 65.4 MPa in several steps (shown in Fig.9).The time of vibration at each stress step was 1 min at a frequency of 25 Hz.A lineof 5 mm length was selected for investigation.Similiar to shaft 1,residual stress measurement was carried out at intervals of 0.2 mm.The measurement was carried out on the as-drawn surface;no surface preparation was carried out.The measurement was started at the weld toe.The residual stress are shown in Fig.9.
For a small applied shear stress(±17.5MPa),the residual stresses were almost unchanged (Fig.9).With increase in the applied stress to ±30.8MPa,the residual steesses on and near the weld toe decrea

这个轴是现货焊管(用米格惟系统) ,其年年长度诱导残余应力所示,在图焊接工艺进行了用不了一轴second.the获准酷室温度和残余应力测量轴当时vibrated.the应用剪应力轴是多样从0到654兆帕,在几个步骤(列图) 。时间振动应力每一步1分钟一班次25 hz.a线5毫米长度获选investigation.similiar轴1 ,残余应力测量进行了每隔0.2脉冲测量进行了研究为牵引面;表面没有准备进行振动测量始于toe.the焊缝残余应力列图。
一小部分用于剪应力( ± 17.5mpa ) ,残余应力几乎不变(图) 。随着在外加应力± 30.8mpa ,残余steesses对附近焊趾明显下降,并在同时压缩应力有点距离脚趾增至近zero.with进一步增加应用讲±动作,残余应力在焊趾下跌至接近零,但在此同时,残余应力小远离趾上升至接近零± 50mpa.a fuether增加,在外加应力± 65.4mpa没有改变残余应力分布的任何进一步。
`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ``````````````````````这个立井单通紧焊缝进行了cicumferential线左右轴(图) 。测量线采用3mm长(垂直于焊缝)被选定为调查,在测量进行了间隔为0.1mm , i.e.31点测量采用3mm length.residual应力测量就为拉sueface.the纵向残余sredsses的选定路线测量和绘制。
保持频率振动恒定在25hz ,应用剪应力不等,以590 157mpa数步细节应用讲列于图10残余应力测量之前和之后的每一步治疗。各级外加应力,时间振动是不同的几个步骤,观察时间振动应用剪应力± 157mpa 。
在应力± 5.9mpa ,残余应力对邻近趾(距离范围0 - 0.2mm的)上升70mpa ,而残余应力的其他测量点unchanged.at应力± 49mpa ,残余应力保持不变,大部分的一些测量点;小再分配与会者在一些测量点;增加应用剪应力± 96 ± 157mpa造成的残余应力在某些领域增加和其他地区decrease.thus ,再分配的残余应力,观察每一步讲应用。
