
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 03:42:05
新年是个“吃”的节日, 日本人在“正日”这一天,要品尝"正月料理",早餐是很丰盛的, 吃砂糖竽艿、荞麦面等,喝屠苏酒,吃专门为新年而作的菜:青鱼子、黑豆、 用酱油和糖煮的小干鱼等 ,此后一连三天,则吃素的,以示虔诚,祈求来年大吉大利。 在新的一年中,先到信箱去收新年贺卡,然后再去附近的神社去参拜,祈福。初一去参拜神社叫"初诣",是庆祝新年必有的节目。

Ōmisokais the second-most important day in Japanese tradition because it is the final day of the old year and the eve of New Year's Day, likewise the most important day of the year.
In the weeks prior to year's end, Japanese people hold bōnenkai(December 29th to January 3rd) or "forget-the-year meetings." Many employers hold these parties to reward their employees for their service during the past year.
People will also do Ōsōji, major housecleaning, is part of the New Year's tradition. The equivalent of "spring cleaning" Japanese households are cleaned thoroughly towards the beginning of the New Year. Once the house is clean, a lot of cooking is done to prepare for the traditional New Year's meals.

Shortly before midnight on New Year's Eve Toshi-koshi soba, which literally translates to "Across the Years Noodles", are served in houses and temples across Japan just before midnight and eaten as the New Y