
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 15:25:59
1.以人为本 2.协调发展 3.深化改革 4.国际局势 5.世界格局 6.科学发展观 7.八荣八耻 8.统筹兼顾 9.攻坚/瓶颈 阶段

1.people-oriented , 2.coordinated and balanced program of development , 3.deepen the reform , 4.international situation 5. the world pattern 6. Scientific Outlook /view on Development 7.Eight honors and eight disgraces 8. overall consideration/make overall plans and take all factors into consideration 9. a crucial period for .../ a phase of fortification

1.以人为本 2.协调发展 3.深化改革 4.国际局势 5.世界格局 6.科学发展观 7.八荣八耻 8.统筹兼顾 9.攻坚/瓶颈 阶段

1.people-oriented , 2.coordinated and balanced program of development , 3.deepen the reform , 4.international situation 5. the world pattern 6. Scientific Outlook /view on Development 7.Eight honors and eight disgraces 8. overall consideration/make overall plans and take all factors into consideration 9. a crucial period for .../ a phase of fortification